Elproma has developed a Rack modem for a special project which required the high quality standard. Now this Rack modem (MOD 288R) is available as standard in the range of Elproma data products. High performance and reliability are features of this modem, however ...... even the world's finest modem sometimes "hangs", especially when a number of modems are placed in a 19" rack. Elproma has developed the Modem Management System especially for this environment. The MMS contains a "backplane" which fits on the 19" rack system. To this "backplane" 18 Modem Extension Interfaces (MMI units) can be attached and together with the power supply they make up the complete Modem Management Unit (MMU). The MMU communicates with the MMF's using commands to detect "answer" failures and can generate a hardware reset if necessary. If this occurs "twice" the modem unit will automatically be disabled.

The MMU has a fully "Remote Control" mode where the following can be done.
Change the settings at the modem units.
Generate a log file containing an overview of the disabled modems.
Force a hardware reset.
By using a separate "sysop" line to have access to these features the MMU can, if there is still an error, force modem disabling commands per modem individually.

Features are:
Read/write date of internal clockSwitch modem off
DCD time-outSwitch modem on
DTR check time-outSelect rack
DTR dropReset modem
DTR setReset all modems of all racks
DTR connected to MMS backReset all modems in rack
Get rack settingsSet # of rings before reset
Telephone line disconnected (busy)Connect serial to modem
Telephone line connectedReset after RXD time-out
Get log fileSave string to MMU memory
Delete the log fileSend saved string to modem(s)
Modem serial settingsSet password
Automatic reset/off check MMIStatus of modems
Read/write time of internal clockReset after TXD time-out

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